

Would you like to organize a workshop the day after ISSW 2024?

 ( Photo: Tim Dassler)

For theory and practice to merge, we need people to meet. In order to facilitate the exchange of great ideas, innovation, essential knowledge and experience we want to help you organize workshops on Saturday, September 28. This will be the dedicated workshop day of the conference.

We cooperate with UiT - The Arctic University of Norway, which will provide the facilities for the workshops.

We offer to

  • make your workshops public on the ISSW 2024 website and to
  • book facilities you can use at UiT - The Arctic University of Norway. 

You need to be able to

  • organize the workshop yourself, including
  • registration of participants,
  • keeping in contact with participants,
  • sending out information to participants,
  • organizing workshop materials,
  • ordering food, coffee, snacks if required, etc.

If you want to organize a workshop, please fill out the form below before April 5, 2024. 

We are looking forward to meeting all of you at ISSW 2024 and to welcoming you to North Norway.

Your ISSW workshop team!