
Submit Abstracts

Deadline for Short Abstract Submission is April 5, 2024.

Topics are:  

ISSW2024 abstract topics

  1. Avalanche forecasting and operational tools   
  2. Avalanche dynamics and modelling   
  3. Snow mechanics: stability, variability and snowpack modelling   
  4. Snow, avalanche and forest interaction  
  5. Avalanche risk, snow hydrology and snow making in a changing climate  
  6. Risk management, mitigation measures and communication in engineering practise  
  7. Instrumentation, monitoring and detection  
  8. Remote sensing of snow and avalanches  
  9. Case studies: operations, avalanche control, accidents and rescue  
  10. Decision-making strategies among professionals and recreationalists 
  11. Risk communication 
  12. Avalanche education and learning  
  13. Law and worker's safety 

ISSW2024 Abstract guidelines: 

  • Only English abstracts are accepted 
  • Title: maximum 140 characters 
  • Text: maximum 350 words 
  • 1 figure in .png or .jpg format accepted 
  • Only 1 abstract topics listed above can be selected
  • Presentation selection with 3 choices: (1) oral, (2) poster, (3) oral or poster 
  • No submission fees 
  • No limits of maximum number of abstracts per participant


  • Apr 5, 2024: Deadline for submission of abstracts
  • June 1, 2024: Deadline for registration of presenting authors
  • Aug 15, 2024: Deadline for submission of papers
  • Sept 23, 2024: Start of ISSW
  • Deadline for submission to peer-reviewed journal special issue:
    - Jan 13 2025: CRST
    - Mar 15 2025: JORT